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Day: June 9, 2021

Dorky and I Know It

Do you remember the last time you did something dorky, and what you did that made it dorky? I sometimes feel like I’m so serious but then you put me with my best friend and it can be like someone flipped a switch inside of me.

This afternoon, I was driving on my way back from an errand, and I’m in the right turn lane. Some motorcycles are in the left lane. The guy in the back happens to be next to me, and I don’t hear his music, but he’s rocking his upper body back and forth. His head is turned in my direction but I can’t see anything of his face, and I kind of do a double take type of thing… but end up smile and waving at him. He waves back and then I turn right and drive away.

Look, I’m not saying being dorky is a bad thing. Heck, I do dorky things maybe 10 times a day. I’ve gotten my worst injuries from stupid stuff like falling down the stairs, or just stepping funny. I push doors that say pull sometimes, I go into a room and forget why I went in there. I imitate movie and tv show characters and scare myself sometimes. It’s normal and extraordinary at the same time. But it’s not being ashamed of it that makes it beautiful. It’s accepting that you are one of God’s masterpieces.

What other dorky things have you done?

“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.” – Ephesians 2:10

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